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This is a place I share updates about my wiki, including new links, new notes and potentially new blogs. Get the latest change on the site once per week, no spam, ad-free, just all the new links I added to the Wiki.

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If you don’t know what’s my Wiki, it’s something started in 2023…

What is “Wiki”?

I started Wiki just for me to collect random links that I found interesting on the Internet. This wiki is inspired by similar sites like 100 Rabit and https://wiki.nikiv.dev/ (sadly, most of the resources are behind a paywall now).

I want to create a rabbit hole for myself and people. And soon I realize it also solves a few problems I had.

Sometimes, I vaguely remember something I read, but I couldn't find the link to it. Now I have a Wiki, I can go back to a centralized place that categorize interesting pages. I can find the links, reread them, send it to people when they need it. I find it the most helpful tool I built.

Then, sometimes, I want to get started learning something but don't know where to start. A lot of times when I start learning something, it came from a hook. To me, a hook is like a thing that gives me a good overview of what the landscape looks like, what the end goal looks like, the journey that it takes to reach the end goal, the joy of learning that thing. For example, Pmarca Guide to Career Planning and 80000 hours career guide are the two long guides that provided me two different perspectives in thinking about career planning. I wish I can share this and maybe this helps others as well.

And sometimes I want to force myself to take notes of what I learned and accumulate them. It’s so easy to get into edutainment, where you feel like you are reading or learning, but in the end nothing sticks. So maybe, just forcing me to categorize and distil the content would help.

I hope the site is full of serendipity. If you have not browsed through it, try it!

View Ethan's Wiki

Why this newsletter?

I realize there is no way to subscribe for updates except probably watching the changes in the GitHub repository. Even though it is public, that is not a pleasant experience to read for updates, so I decided to start a newsletter.

With a newsletter, I can also add some notes here that I don’t feel like it belongs to the Wiki permanently, maybe it’s too opinionated or too long if added. Or I can cross-reference another post but doesn’t feel like appropriate to add too many internal links in the page.

I will try to keep this concise and consistent. For the newsletter that I read, I find it weekly newsletter the best cadence, so I will set it to weekly for now. My current thinking is each update will be a list of links with some notes in point form. Nothing too fancy, but it would be interesting if I can automate the process too.

If you find this helpful, do try to subscribe! You can unsubscribe at any time. Welcome any feedback you have with the format of the newsletter as well!

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Hi I am Ethan. More about me at: https://ethanppl.com/